Saturday, November 26, 2016

Decision on BBNR's key feature...

BBNR was supposed to have "changing colors", being the game's main feature.
I've come to a conclusion that I'm not capable of doing it.
It will be mentioned in the Museum (A bit of a spoiler there, I'll talk about this "Museum" later...)

The reason I think I can't do it is because of the complexity it would be.
I should constantly check if it works properly and I can't use GM to its fullest, so I can't really make a feature like that.
Therefore I'll make the game with the current "light" color scheme.
It'll also save me time from making each frame look different.
The other color schemes may act as development to the final light version, like it used to be.

One more thing, when I started talking to Deemo about the game's music, he said that the game's font is "too small to read". However, those "screenshots" are just pictures drawn on MS Paint.

And the font? Now it's old. I've made a new font for BBNR, characters being max 7*7 pixels wide. Unfortunately, it isn't an official font, just hand-drawn.

Because of this, it's very time-consuming and difficult to write every line in the game, but I rather do that than go through the trouble to create an actual font.

That's all for now.

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