Friday, November 11, 2016

A Finnish guide to tourists

UPDATE 1 - A new way to spell Ä and Ö! LEGIT!

If you ever visit Finland and want to know a bit of our complex language, keep this in mind.
Many Finns understand English. Still, some of us might not. If you want to give it a try, here's a few useful words and sentences. Try to pronounce them as they're written (the way we talk).

Also, we Finns use Äs and Ös.
Ä sounds like the A in "last".
Ö sounds like the I in "first".

Hei. (Hi.)
Moi. (a bit more informal "hei", used with friends)
Terve! (Hello!)
Päivää! / Hyvää päivää! (Good day!)
Iltaa! / Hyvää iltaa! (Good evening!)

Kuinka(s) menee? (How is it going? / How are you doing?)
Miten (sinulla) menee? (How is it going? / How are you doing?)

Minulla menee hyvin. (I'm doing fine.)
Huono päivä... (A bad day...)
Ihan hyvin, entäs sinulla? (Just fine, what about you?)

Asking for something:
Anteeksi... (Excuse me...)
Haittaako jos kysyn jotain? (Mind if I ask something?)

Puhutko englantia? (Do you speak English?)

Missä on... (Where's the...)
- vessa? (toilet? / bathroom?)
- keittiö? (kitchen?)
- eteinen? (entrance?)
- hotelli? (hotel?)
- puhelin? (telephone?)
- elokuvateatteri? / leffateatteri? (cinema? / movie theater?)
- rautatieasema? / juna-asema? (train station?)
- kauppa? (store?)
- sairaala? (hospital?)

Another way to say "Where's this?" is to swap the places of "on?" and the location. For example:
Missä vessa on?

Giving directions:
Vasemmalle... (To the left...)
Suoraan eteenpäin... (Go forward...)
Oikealle... (To the right...)

...lta / ...sta (from...)
EXAMPLE: Sairaalalta (from the hospital)
EXAMPLE P2: Sairaalasta eteenpäin (Go forward from the hospital)

Kiitos. (Thank you.)
Kiitti. (Thanks.)
Kiitos (todella) paljon. (Thank you very much.)

Hei hei. (Bye bye.)
Näkemiin! (See you!)
Moi moi. (Bye bye, used with acquaintances)

If you want to sound a bit more fluent, try to extend the double letters as you talk. It's a bit more Finnish.

*Ääkköset are a twist from our word for alphabet, aakkoset. We use it for ä and ö only. (?)

One more thing, don't trust Google Translator. You never know.

That's all for now.

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